In September 1987, two Project Managers working at the nuclear power plants of Trino Vercellese, Cirene Alto Lazio, PEC Brasimone, decided to put their experience to good use and establish MB. Technical knowledge and management in quality systems of the nuclear sector allowed MB to expand areas of competence: passing first to cogeneration and trigeneration plants, and then to the chemical, petrochemical and Oil & Gas sectors. Over the last three decades, MB has expanded its knowledge and skills by operating not only in Italy and Europe but also worldwide for EPC and oil companies, thanks to a staff of technicians and managers covering all engineering disciplines. Today, due to the skills acquired in the production of energy from alternative sources such as solar, hydrogen, as well as in regeneration and waste recycling, MB stands as a leading engineering company tackling the new frontiers of industrial and technological development

MB GROUP is the Parent Company providing integrated services to several industrial sectors including OIL&GAS, Renewables, Chemical, Power Generation
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MB ENGINEERING designs and manufactures automation systems, can provide civil and structural calcuation, mechanical and piping design using the latest versions of the most popular CADs, electrical engineering, firefighting and safety system design.
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MB RAVENNA provides competent and specialized personnel aimed at the provision of services, field work and customer support. Services are available for field activities, procurement, consulting, marketing, commissioning & start-up.
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MB WORKSHOP extends our engineering knowledge to the workshop construction phase. MB WORKSHOP produces skids, modules, vessels, heat exchanger and mechanical equipment and supports the workshop during all the procurement and construction phases with the same team that followed the design